Welcome to my newly re-designed blog. I am glad you stopped by to visit. My name is Jennifer and I am a breast cancer survivor! In my blog you will read about the everyday happenings of a stay at home mom of 3 girls: Sara, Chloe and Delaney.

About me: Christian, 37 years old and happily married to Scott since 2001. I have 3 sisters and my youngest sister is also my identical twin.


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Good Day!

Don't you just love the color pink!! It is my new favorite color. I found this quote a friends tag on her signature. "Accusing a homeschool kid of missing out on socialization is like accusing a work-at-home entrepreneur of missing out on corporate politics." --Perry Marshall I thought that was interesting! Ponder on that one!

Delaney is yelling at me from the other room to come ear. Yes I misspelled on purpose. That is what she is saying ! she is so cute.

We are starting VBS in 2 weeks. I am helping with the music. I will enjoy it. I just hope I can remember the stuff.

Sara is going to Romaina in July! I hope it is a life changing experince. I think it will be.

Pray for her. Also pray they get there money raised and that she gets her passport on time!

I hope you all have a good day! Scott is off friday and Monday!! that will be fun.

Thursday, May 25, 2006 | 1 comments