Welcome to my newly re-designed blog. I am glad you stopped by to visit. My name is Jennifer and I am a breast cancer survivor! In my blog you will read about the everyday happenings of a stay at home mom of 3 girls: Sara, Chloe and Delaney.

About me: Christian, 37 years old and happily married to Scott since 2001. I have 3 sisters and my youngest sister is also my identical twin.


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Hey! I know you all are wondering what the suprise was last week. It wasn't much. I put a big I mean BIG smokey blow up dog in my yard and told him there was someone strange was in the yard. For all of you who don't know, that is the Tennessee Vols mascot. He liked it.:) even though we lost that game. :(

We are getting ready to do our Christmas musical . It is going to be different.

Delaney went to the babysitters today without crying and saying don't leave me. Yeah!!!! She is growing up so fast.

Well Christmas is approaching and I have no idea what to get the kids. Any ideas. I know Sara wants a base guitar! Whatever!!!

I hope you all have a good day!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 | 2 comments