Welcome to my newly re-designed blog. I am glad you stopped by to visit. My name is Jennifer and I am a breast cancer survivor! In my blog you will read about the everyday happenings of a stay at home mom of 3 girls: Sara, Chloe and Delaney.

About me: Christian, 37 years old and happily married to Scott since 2001. I have 3 sisters and my youngest sister is also my identical twin.


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Hello all!!

Hello all! I know it has been a long time since I posted. I have been in a slump I guess you could say. I have also been busy. I have a sore throat right now. I have had it for about 2 weeks. It was getting better and then got worse again. I am going to see how it goes and if it is worse monday I will go to the dr. I had a appointment for today at 7:00pm. But I can't do that. The girls have a party to go to and I just can't work it out.

Church has been going real well. We are looking to build a bigger everything. People are coming from everywhere it seems. I just have to keep my mind focused on peoples souls and not just numbers. God is really working in our church. I can't wait to tell you the great things he is going to do this year.

My mom hasn't had to start dialyisis yet. She had a thingy put in her arm. I guess she is just now waiting. I am hoping that she won't have to do it and a miracle of God takes place and she is cured, but whatever happens I will be there for her.

I got to talk to one of my long time friends last night!Diane. It was so good to hear from her. She lives in Ga now and her kids are totally grown up. When I last saw them they were still little. Now they are all Teenagers except for Savannah Grace. She is 3. I hope to see them all soon.

Well I am at work and I need to get off the puter. :(

Friday, January 26, 2007 | 1 comments