Welcome to my newly re-designed blog. I am glad you stopped by to visit. My name is Jennifer and I am a breast cancer survivor! In my blog you will read about the everyday happenings of a stay at home mom of 3 girls: Sara, Chloe and Delaney.

About me: Christian, 37 years old and happily married to Scott since 2001. I have 3 sisters and my youngest sister is also my identical twin.


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Hey everyone! I know you have wondered where I was. Well I am still here working away. I am at work at the moment. Things are going ok. Delaney is still going to Ms. Barbara's, she likes it alot, and she is adjusting to it very well. She is growing really fast.

Chloe just got finished with her upwards basketball. I really enjoyed this year, she had great coaches. We had a game where we played the kids, I was huffing, but I had fun. I wanted to get rough alittle but I had to remember they were kids. I did have to tell one girl that she isn't suppose to touch me, she kept fouling me and I didin't like it.

Scott is still working days at Nissan, there has been alot of rumors there lately, because they didn't get there bonus,(not a promised one) If they do better than the year before they get a bounus, but because they didn't (which happends sometimes)everyone is talking doom and gloom. That is the short version. Scott I think really gets tired of hearing it, and when he tries to encourage they call him a company man. He is just speaking the truth.

Pray for him!
Well I guess I need to get to work, I will try and blog some later.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007 | 0 comments